OPTIONS for Independence is a private, not-for-profit organization funded through State and Federal Grants and private donations. As a 501(c)(3) private, nonprofit organization, donations may be tax-deductible. Your donation is needed and will ensure services and supports are available for individuals with disabilities in their efforts to obtain and maintain Independence.
Mail a Check
106 East 1120 North
Logan, UT 84341
Smiths Donation
Do you have a Smiths reward card? Every time you shop at a Smiths store
with your rewards card, Smiths will donate .5% of your total order to the
nonprofit of your choice.
2. Create a digital account or link your shopper's card to your existing
3. Go to "Account Settings" and enroll or update under the "Inspiring
Donations" tab. Link your card to OPTIONS for Independence as your
nonprofit of choice
Your donations are appreciated and will go entirely toward assisting people with disabilities as they work toward independence. Thank you!